Divorce & Custody | General
Achieving Harmony

As an established family law firm, we’ve learned that effective co-parenting, not conflict, helps children thrive during a divorce. It’s all about envisioning a future where you work together as parents, despite the end of your romantic relationship.

Adapting to your child’s needs, developing a lasting parenting plan, and focusing on important decisions about time spent, financial support, and school choices is key. With creativity and compromise, you can cherish childhood rather than waste time arguing.

Our team is here to help, always prioritizing a child-centered approach to custody.

For help with possession and access and other child custody and visitation matters in an Austin divorce or custody case, contact Lazar Law at 512-477-1600.
A Year to be Open

A Year to be Open

FROM JODI It is a New Year, and we have made it through January. By the time the end of January rolls around, I have forgotten all about the holidays and even the year before. We are full-on 2024, now! I also like to tackle January with its own specific goals, an...

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