Lockdown is Ending. It’s Time for Real Pants Again.

At Lazar Law, we have made the decision to continue to work remotely at least through the month of May. We will see what the end of May brings, but we have been able to move our firm online and conduct all our business while we Work From Home. It has been a month of Zoom meetings, Zoom mediations, Zoom hearings. Our firm has a daily “Stand Up” via Zoom which keeps us connected as a Team.

We’ve been Work From Home since mid-March; with one more month to go for sure, it’s time to be intentional about our routines, planning and goal-setting, so that we are ready to head back into the world. To that end, I am taking on two challenges in May to shake up my Stay At Home, to help me be more productive, and to be in the proper mindset at the end of the month:

Goal 1: Get Dressed Challenge: #may30x30

It’s time to get dressed in real clothes, even if it’s the Work From Home edition. So far in quarantine, dressing has been aimless. Like so many, I find I am more productive when I am dressed for the day. To give me motivation to dress, I found a #may30x30 capsule challenge on Instagram. Here are the Rules:

  • Pick 30 items from your wardrobe to wear for 30 days; identify your 30-item capsule before the challenge begins. Only wear those pieces to combine into a new outfit every day for 30 days. Categories for the capsule are: tops, bottoms, dresses, shoes and layers. Accessories don’t count.
  • No Shopping – only include items already in your closet

Goal 2: Move Outside Challenge: #mileadaymay

I have to admit I enjoyed the break from the daily exercise routine I had going pre-pandemic. My body also probably needed the rest. I haven’t done a good job during the quarantine of finding an alternative exercise routine. I have the best backyard (see photo). No more excuses. I need to get outside and get moving. The challenge I picked for this goal is the #mileadaymay challenge. Here are the Rules:

  • Get moving for one intentional mile every day in May. Your daily mile can be completed in any way you choose, whether that’s walking, running, biking, skipping, whatever
  • Jodi’s Addition: Do it Outside

Join Me; Post on Instagram

If either of these challenges speak to you, join me starting May 1 by posting daily on Instagram! Let’s see what we can do and where this takes us at the end of the month.

Be Bold,


I want to introduce you to the two Austinites who have inspired my May challenges. I feel like I know them, but only virtually. I have not met them yet in person, but I know I would love to talk to them at a cocktail party.

Elyse Holladay


Elyse is a personal styling coach who lives in downtown Austin. Elyse has moved from the corporate world to entrepreneurship in quest of her goal to live authentically in every facet of her life. Her journey is documented on Instagram as a journal of self-exploration, accountability and transformation. It’s about the clothes; but it’s about more than the clothes. When the pandemic hit Austin, Elyse went on Instagram and offered free one-hour strategy calls to small businesses and solo entrepreneurs to help bring their businesses online. What she had done in her career transition was of immediate need—how to host online zoom meetings, how to accept online payments, how to move classes to the virtual space—all of a sudden was a business model needed by so many. And honestly, she is just so sunny. Elyse is how I found the #may30x30 capsule challenge, which has inspired me to get up and get dressed. I am excited to wear my clothes again!

Charles Peveto


I don’t know long-time Austinite Charles Peveto personally, but I should because everyone I know in Austin knows Charles Peveto. Charles Peveto defines Austin. He lives in the Westgate Building and is the champion of Austin (and Texas) mid-century architecture. Charles also chronicles his days on Instagram. He is a man of routine. Mostly, he is all over the state of Texas at historical committee meetings and events and such, but in the quarantine, he is stuck in Austin. And I, for one, am grateful. Charles Peveto walks miles every day for health. He sets out each day to the many historical Austin sites and mid-century architecture treasures and documents them on Instagram along with in-depth commentary that teaches us about the roots of our city — all within walking distance of downtown. Charles Peveto has inspired me to get outside and move every day, and to mindfully acknowledge the beauty of Austin each day.


Separation in the Time of Coronavirus

After spending weeks sheltering-in-place, many couples are struggling and need a break. While divorce isn’t inevitable, some families have come to the conclusion that it’s time to separate. Fortunately, the coronavirus pandemic doesn’t have to be a barrier to separating. Read more >>

For help with possession and access and other child custody and visitation matters in an Austin divorce or custody case, contact Lazar Law at 512-477-1600.


FROM JODI When times get challenging, it can be easy to slide into negative thinking. Lately I found myself seeing what’s not working, what’s wrong and I was allowing it to bring me down. I am ready for change! I remembered one of my mentors said you cannot end a day...

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