Wake Up to Joy


And just like that, it’s June. We are 12-weeks post heart attacks, Dennis will complete his cardio rehab in two weeks, and we will say goodbye to Dallas as our home base at the end of the month and return to Austin. Waking up this morning, I remembered coming out of the hospital thinking of all the things we would do in Dallas while we were based here, and of course, we have barely done any of them because I broke my toe, so now we have only a few weeks to cram everything in. But it’s a new month, it’s Summer, the days are long, and we are committed to getting outside, walking the Katy Trail, and exploring the arts and culture Dallas has to offer. I woke up today committed to making each day this month count—to find joy in each day.

I am so happy to report that Dennis and his heart are in great shape. He has had a miraculous recovery; his heart team and his internist are amazed at his heart’s recovery: normal heart rhythm, normal heart function, normal blood flow. He was supposed to have a procedure at 90-days to test his heart rhythm to see if he would need an internal defibrillator placed in his heart, but instead, at 60-days, his echocardiogram was so good that they took away the wearable defibrillator and cancelled all future tests and checkups and released him to live his life. Dennis has been the most compliant patient because he was determined to heal his heart and live a vibrant life with his family. This month is Dennis’ birthday and Father’s Day, and we are going to celebrate deeply.

The most important factor in all this has been our transition to a 100% plant-based diet, no animal products whatsoever. In 30 days on a vegan diet, Dennis’ bad cholesterol on medication went from a very high 170 to an amazing 37. He has lost 25 lbs. and for the first time maybe ever, his bloodwork is in normal range. We received so much dietary advice from all the medical people we see here at Baylor- Dallas, but his cardiologist was clear that he would greatly benefit from a vegan diet, and that it could melt heart plaque. That was all we needed to hear to give it a try: it is working and now we are converted. I never thought I would be 100% plantbased; cooking is now my #1 activity outside of work, and I have embraced feeding us with meals fit for a king. I am always looking for vegan recipes and cookbooks and have many to share if you want to join me in community along this journey.

I have been amazed at how many of you have read last month’s newsletter and have talked to me privately about how Dennis’ story has affected you. I am touched that you pull me aside at the courthouse to tell me how you have braved your own demons to make healthy life changes to be around for your family, or that you made an appointment with your doctor because you are having trouble sleeping and want to make sure everything is okay, or you want to share your own heart scare that you have conquered. I feel connected to you in such a deep way when you share your stories with me. I understand now in a way I never did before, and I am here to support you. We need each other.

Be Free,


by: Aubrey Rosenthal

Maie Day takes the idea of the classic chophouse and puts an entirely new spin on it. Located in the unique South Congress Hotel, this restaurant lives up to the bustling and lively South Congress area that Austinites love, and tourists love to visit. In fact, Maie Day’s motto is “It’s always a party.”

Maie Day is considered a “community” chophouse and was created by three-time James Beard nominated chef Michael Fojtasek. Maie Day also received the award for Best New Restaurant from CultureMap Austin.

My experience at Maie Day was with a large group celebrating a birthday. Many entrees and appetizers were ordered and passed around, so it allowed me to get a little taste of a lot of options. I will certainly be going back to Maie Day to order in the more traditional sense and therefore get to indulge a little bit more without feeling as though I am hoarding the food from the other party guests.

The cocktail menu is anything but boring. With names like “Shruba-Duba-Don’t” and “To-Maie-To, Tomato” you are sure to find something that appeals to you. I ordered the “Do Some Thyme” which is concocted with gin, yellow chartreuse, St. Germain, thyme liqueur, strawberry, and lemon.

Maie Day is open for brunch, happy hour, and dinner. The menu is subject to change based on season and availability. As a group, we conquered most of the raw bar appetizers including the tartare, smoked fish dip, and the crab dip. The Kennebec fries are delicious and served with the special Maie Day sauce. Although we did not make room at the table for salads, I could not help but eye the spinning salad which is prepared with gold and red beets, tomato, hard-boiled egg, croutons, and a “vintage” dressing.

For the entrees, and from the chophouse, the grilled chicken, pork chop, and ribeye were ordered and shared. My mouth still waters thinking about the pork chop that is pepper glazed and whiskey brined.

The sides are a must to accompany the meal. Options include mac n’ cheese, market mushrooms, creamed kale, grilled green beans, and mashed potatoes. The sides are what you can expect from any regular old chophouse but of course, have a special Maie Day twist.

Maie Day is one of my favorite restaurants in Austin and I cannot wait to go back and try some of the other options on the menu that I did not get to taste last time. I highly recommend Maie Day for dinner and then perusing up and down South Congress for shopping, live music, drinks, and classic Austin energy.


Are You Common Law Married?

Prenuptial agreements are contracts, drafted by lawyers, that change how the law would normally apply to the spouse’s assets in divorce and death. If you live in Texas, the assets you own at the time of marriage are your separate property. You DON’T NEED a prenup to confirm the separate property you own coming into your marriage. A prenup is helpful to specifically identify your assets, but without a prenup, you can still prove that you owned an asset prior to marriage in other ways. Be aware, though, that it is your burden to prove your separate property assets by clear and convincing evidence – a high burden.

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For help with possession and access and other child custody and visitation matters in an Austin divorce or custody case, contact Lazar Law at 512-477-1600.


FROM JODI When times get challenging, it can be easy to slide into negative thinking. Lately I found myself seeing what’s not working, what’s wrong and I was allowing it to bring me down. I am ready for change! I remembered one of my mentors said you cannot end a day...

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