A New Start – Introducing Tonya Jansky

A New Start – Introducing Tonya Jansky

FROM JODI Here we are at the day of our office Holiday Closure, and of course, not all the work is done. But one thing we have accomplished in the last 6 weeks is bringing on our new Senior Paralegal, Tonya Jansky. We have finally found our experienced Senior...
See What Happens When You Say It Out Loud

See What Happens When You Say It Out Loud

FROM JODI It feels like a shift has occurred – finally the oppressive heat has been replaced by an actually cool breeze, and in our office we are getting ready to welcome a brand new legal team. We have soldiered along this year, determined to hire the right fits, in...
Are You Open?

Are You Open?

FROM JODI I read somewhere that the true benefit of time away is realized when you return to your normal life. I returned after the first week of August to a grueling schedule that included three final trials; isn’t that the way it always is – you return from time...
Views From My Montreal Window

Views From My Montreal Window

FROM JODI I have now turned 59. I am back in Montreal for the first time since the pandemic. I have been spending my birthday every year since I turned 50 at the top of Mont Royal, looking over the hospital where I was born, and connecting with gratitude to my roots,...
If You Row, You Know

If You Row, You Know

FROM JODI Building back up again; that’s what we’ve been doing at our firm this past Spring, and I am happy to feel the change of season to Summer.  There is a great sense of accomplishment at getting through the first hardest hurdle of rebuilding, the initial 3...